Connecting to Spirit: Channelling, Mediumship, and Intuition
Welcome to Connecting to Spirt: Channelling, Mediumship, and Intuition—the podcast where we explore the transformative power of connecting with spirit guides, developing your psychic gifts, and unlocking intuitive insights.
I’m Lisa Brandis, a spiritual teacher, trance channel, and intuitive healer with over 20 years of experience. In this podcast, I’ll guide you through the art of channelling, mediumship, and intuitive development, helping you access divine wisdom and deepen your connection to higher guidance.
In each episode, we’ll journey together through practical steps, inspirational stories, and profound teachings to help you become an intuitive healer and trance channel, with love and freedom at the core of the process. Whether you're new to this path or seeking to strengthen your spiritual abilities, this podcast is here to support your spiritual development.
Connecting to Spirit: Channelling, Mediumship, and Intuition
#14 - Mastering Channeling: Practical Techniques for Spiritual Connection
Join us for an insightful episode on the art of channeling, presented by Lisa. Dive into the world of connecting with higher realms of consciousness such as spirit guides, angels, and divine energy. Lisa shares her transformative experiences, including channeling messages from her spirit guide, Anya. Learn practical techniques like the head-heart-gut check, automatic writing, and grounding exercises to start your own journey. Lisa also addresses common fears and self-doubt, offering guidance to overcome these barriers. Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore your spiritual side and feel empowered to take action.
Thank you for tuning in to this episode! We hope you found inspiration and valuable insights.
For more on intuitive guidance, spiritual growth, and how to harness the power of Reiki, follow Lisa Brandis, the world’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. Lisa is an internationally renowned Spirit Channeler and the founder of Intuitive Reiki International. With a deep passion for empowering others, Lisa helps individuals transform their lives by developing their intuition through Reiki.
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Join Lisa on her journey to help you embrace your intuitive power and make a lasting difference in your life and the world!
...Hi, and welcome back. I'm so excited to have you here today. If you've ever wondered how to connect more deeply with your intuition or spirit guides, you're in for a treat. Today, we're diving into a topic close to my heart channelling. We'll explore what channeling is, why someone might want to learn it, and how it can transform your life. I'll also share some of my personal experiences and practical techniques that you can start right away. This episode is designed to inspire, educate, and empower you. Not just to learn, but to take action. So, whether you're brand new to this Or you've been on your spiritual path for a while. There's something here for you. Let's start with the basics. What is channeling? Channeling is the ability to connect with higher realms of consciousness, such as your higher self, spirit guides, angels, ancestors, or even divine universal energy. It's about tuning into a frequency of wisdom and insight that exists beyond our everyday logical minds. It can come through in many forms, for some, it's receiving messages in words or thoughts. For others, it's sensing emotions, seeing images in your mind's eye, or even feeling physical sensations. So at its core, channeling is a partnership, a way to bridge the gap between the spiritual and the physical. It's not about having all the answers. Or being perfect. It's about opening yourself to receive guidance that can support you on your journey. So why would someone want to learn how to channel? The most common reason I find is for clarity. Life can feel confusing, overwhelming at times and full of uncertainty. Channeling helps you to tap into a higher perspective, offering you insights and solutions that you might not see otherwise. And it's also a pathway to self-discovery. So when you connect with your guides or higher self, you gain a deeper understanding of who you are and why you're here. And then there's a joy and peace that comes with it. So imagine feeling supported, loved, and guided in every step of the way. That's the kind of connection that channeling brings. Personally, channeling has transformed my life in ways I couldn't have imagined. It's helped me navigate challenges, make decisions with confidence and feel a deep sense of purpose. If you're someone who feels called to explore your spiritual side or wants to create a life that feels more aligned and meaningful, then channeling is a beautiful tool to have. I wanted to share a story about one of my first connections that I had with myself. Spirit Guide Anya. I recall meditating one day and I was really determined to move past some of the doubts and the fears that I had. And I recall I would often begin an experience through giving myself Reiki because as I started to bring in that beautiful Reiki energy, I would find myself enter into this warm, nurturing and calm space. And I started to allow the Monkey mind and all that in the inner critic and the chatter to kind of dissipate as I would start to focus on the love and the presence of that support that I could feel almost like a blanket was being wrapped around my body. I remember the very first time I was trans channeling and that's a shift from going from more of the spiritual mediumship where for those of you that are attuned and have already done some of the work quite often in mediumship we'll get an interpretation or a message or thoughts that come from beyond and land in our mind. So it's like having a conversation with the unseen world, through, a similar process to your thought process. So, it can come in many ways. It could come through feelings, sensations, just knowing without knowing why you understand or know a certain thing. Or it can come through clairvoyant impressions that come into your mind. So I'd been Developing my psychic mediumship, sitting in a spiritual circle for many, many years, just really wanting to understand the spirit world. It was like when I learned Reiki for me, it was like a door was open and the experiences that I was having on the other side was just mind blowing time and time again, as I started to get to know this presence of love that was here to support me. And quite often would give me a different perspective to the very challenging thoughts that I would have about myself. There was a big inner critic there. I was very, very hard on myself and very self judgmental. I would hear this loving presence that would be the opposite of that, that critical self that I was, had become accustomed to listening to. And I was teaching a group Reiki and as I was starting to attune, because remember your guides know what your intentions are. I'd been in the presence of a trance channel and watched and felt the energy transform the room. So I knew exactly what powerful channeling looked like, when someone kind of stepped aside and allowed their spirit guide to communicate directly with an audience, I'd, absorbed a lot of Abraham Hicks channeling demonstrations through YouTube and back then through listening to recordings. So I certainly had the, intention and the desire to be a channel. So as I'd started developing that communication and connection with my spirit guide, Anya, she knew that I wanted to be able to trans channel. But back when I was learning and we're going back. 15 to 20 years ago, nobody was teaching it. And still there's not a lot of teachers even now that will teach you how to, take that step from clairvoyance and mediumship into stepping aside and being able to allow your guide to speak directly to, to either the person, to yourself, self comes through the thought process, but, to be able to communicate with the group and. After I'd attuned this one group to Reiki as I was getting to the fourth and the fifth attunement, I think that back then there were small groups, no more than six. And as I was coming into the fifth and the sixth, I just felt my energy getting higher and higher and higher as I was feeling into that unconditional love of Reiki. And then I heard Anya say, I want to speak directly to the group. You're ready. And it was literally just, I had that. Conversation with her in my mind. I'm like, what are you going to say? Well, how do I do it? It was almost like I just knew I had to surrender to the experience and trust. And as I was able to do so, I remember taking a big deep breath and then Anja spoke directly to the group and I can't recall what she said. I know that it was an empowering, inspiring message, but most importantly, I knew the way it felt when she came through and was able to communicate directly. It was, awe inspiring and the feeling of love was amplified, the clarity that came through because I could feel her presence, her mind blended with mine and to explained it in a way it was almost like sitting in the back of a room and watching and observing a profound teacher share the wisdom and just literally basking in every word that was being said. But the interesting part about channeling is it's being said through you as you're still having a dual awareness, awareness of being yourself, the personality self, but also aware of it. That there's a dual consciousness blended where it was. My presence blended with this incredible being of light. And the years that would follow, I began to develop that connection and start to become more and more fluid with channeling verbally, but also deepening that bond and that connection with my spirit guide Anya. Fast forward. 15 years later, still going strong and now offering channeling to groups and being able to let her come through and communicate directly with people to give that higher spiritual perspective on the things that are most important to us at the moment, the things that we're being challenged by, the questions that we have, how we can move through life with more grace and less efforting. Right. So that gives you a really good understanding of what. channeling is, and, you know, I wanted to share the kind of turning point for me, where I really knew that spirit is always there waiting for us to open that door. And, Once we give permission for that connection to happen, then it's almost like life takes on a whole different meaning. So now that I've covered what channeling is and why it's so powerful, I want to talk about how you can start. So here are three simple techniques to begin your journey. The head, heart and gut check. So think about a question or a decision that you're facing. Place your hand on your head and ask, what does my mind think about this? Move to your heart, put your hand on your heart and ask, how do I feel about this? Or what do I feel about this? And finally, place your hand on your belly and ask, what does my gut instinct say about this decision? Aligning these three centres often reveals your inner truth. the other thing that you can do is automatic writing. So it doesn't have to be complex. Keep it really simple. Find a quiet place, set the intention to connect with your highest self or your guides, or just ask for love, to come through and write a question. You can even go general, like, what do I need to know today? And let the pen flow without judgment, without overthinking it, and you may be surprised at what comes through. And the third one is about grounding and coming back into the present moment. Before connecting, imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth. Surround yourself with a golden light for protection. If you're attuned to Reiki, call in the Reiki energy, set the intention. I'm open to receiving messages for my highest good. And then. Relax, surrender and just allow the messages to flow in and be open to how they come in. I like to teach my students to just get curious. Curiosity is a wonderful way to be playful with your spirit guides, your higher self or even your higher mind. All right, so let's also address some common blocks. Two of the biggest ones I see, not only have I experienced them myself, but also see the biggest ones from my clients and students. It's simply fear and self doubt. Many people fear that they'll do something wrong or that the messages they'll receive aren't real. I get it. It's something I struggle with too, but here's the truth. Spirit communication is. Always loving and supportive. If you set the intention to connect with only energy that serves your highest good, you're already on the right path. And also I teach people to run messages through your common sense. Just feel into the message. Does this feel loving and nurturing and helpful? Know that you can also filter, and I say this at the beginning of any group channelling just because I say something or my spirit guide Anya says something doesn't mean it's true for you. Take the wisdom, take the guidance and apply it in your life and see whether it resonates. And if it doesn't, let it go. We're, very diverse in our experiences and in what benefits us and guidance is always just that it's an idea and a suggestion. Spirit guides will never tell you what to do. They'll empower you with options and ultimately you have the choice as to how you live your life. And if self doubt is holding you back, start small, practice receiving, giving guidance for yourself before seeking confirmation from others. Over time, you'll build trust in your own abilities. And that's one of the greatest things about learning to channel with a group of like minded people. We all get to practice with each other and it also allows you to be guided by myself and Anya through the channeling process, so if any of this has resonated with you and you'd like to explore channeling in a deeper, more guided way, I'd love to invite you to my Connecting to Spirit Bootcamp for just 25. You'll join me for three live interactive sessions, as well as a private Facebook group community where we'll go deeper into these techniques and more, you'll learn how to connect with your guides, begin to trust your intuition and release the fears that hold you back. And if you can't make it live, no problem. We've got replays available, even though it's better if you can attend the live sessions, but you can always learn then at your own pace. To reserve your spot, you'll see the links in the show notes below. I would love to support you on this journey. So thank you so much for tuning in today. I hope you're leaving with some new insights and tools to explore your own intuitive journey. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with someone who might find it helpful. And if you feel inspired, leave a review. It helps others discover the podcast and means the world to me. Until next time, trust your intuition, stay open to the magic around you and keep shining your light. You're doing amazing.