Connecting to Spirit: Channelling, Mediumship, and Intuition

#13: Year of the Snake: Embracing Change and Spiritual Growth in 2025.

Lisa Brandis Season 1 Episode 13

Embracing Transformation: Navigating 2025 with Divine Guidance and Self-Care

Join Lisa Brandis in a special New Year episode of 'Connecting to Spirit' as she delves into the transformative energy of 2025. Discover how the Year of the Snake in Chinese astrology and the number 9 year in numerology can guide your journey of self-growth and reflection. Hear a powerful personal dream story that illustrates the importance of facing fears and aligning with your true purpose. Lisa, along with her guide Anya, offers profound insights and practical steps for deepening your connection with divine guidance, prioritizing self-care, and embracing your inner strength. Start 2025 with intention and trust in the universe's messages of support and love.

00:00 Welcome to 2025: A Year of Transformation

01:35 Exploring the Year of the Snake and Numerology

02:47 A Personal Story: The Dream of the Snakes

06:26 Lessons from the Dream: Embracing Change

06:43 Practical Tips for 2025: Aligning with Energies

07:53 Channeling Anya: Guidance for the New Year

15:56 Reflecting on the Dream: Deeper Insights

16:55 Conclusion: Embrace the Journey Ahead

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Thank you for tuning in to this episode! We hope you found inspiration and valuable insights.

For more on intuitive guidance, spiritual growth, and how to harness the power of Reiki, follow Lisa Brandis, the world’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. Lisa is an internationally renowned Spirit Channeler and the founder of Intuitive Reiki International. With a deep passion for empowering others, Lisa helps individuals transform their lives by developing their intuition through Reiki.

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Join Lisa on her journey to help you embrace your intuitive power and make a lasting difference in your life and the world!

Lisa Brandis:

Welcome to a brand new episode of Connecting to Spirit. I'm Lisa Brandis and I'm so thrilled to welcome you to the start of 2025. So let's begin by saying Happy New Year. Today we are exploring the energy of the year ahead and how we can deepen our connection with divine guidance whilst making self care a priority. So this year in particular is special. In Chinese astrology, it's the year of the snake. A time of transformation, wisdom, shedding old skins to reveal something new. And from a numerology perspective, 2025 is also a nine year, which represents a year of completion, reflection, and preparing for new beginnings. So these themes actually align perfectly as we step into this next year with intention and purpose. And for me, on a personal note, it feels especially significant because of the year that I was born. I am actually, the year of the snake reflecting on this connection. I can see the snake as a symbol of adaptability, resilience and spiritual growth qualities that align deeply with my journey. So it feels like a powerful opportunity, to embrace these energies and step even further into alignment with my purpose. And I'm sure you guys are considering what you want to get out of this year and any changes that you might like to make as well. So before we dive into today's topic, I thought I would share a personal story with you. It was a dream that profoundly impacted my journey and kind of offers some wisdom as we embrace this transformative year. So a few years ago, I had a vivid and quite unforgettable dream in it. I found myself in a doctor's office. Everything seemed polished and shiny with brochures advertising some kind of cosmetic procedure, which struck me as odd since I've never considered nor had cosmetic surgery. As I picked up the brochure, I realized it described a process involving snake venom being extracted for use in a cosmetic serum. And my curiosity quickly turned to discomfort as I walked into one of the offices and inside I saw six large snakes that were being held captive. And it was almost like I'd gone into a back room by mistake, in the dream. So it was like, I felt like I wasn't supposed to see that. Part of the environment. So it was almost like they were presenting one way to the public, but then there was a very different story behind the scenes. As I'd entered into this room, one snake in particular caught my attention. I wasn't sure if the fear I felt was my own or if I was sensing the snakes fear, but either way, I knew in my heart that I couldn't go through with any treatment. And I literally just got out of that place as quick as I could. So having left the dream. I had woken up at that point once I'd just literally left the clinic, but the dream stayed with me. I woke up feeling kind of very sad. It was so vivid that I shared it with a friend the next day and she'd Suggested something I'd never really considered before. She said, why don't, cause I felt like the dream wasn't finished and I don't know whether I was woken up by an alarm. I can't quite recall now, but she considered re entering the dream through meditation to change the outcome because. I kind of felt like I should have gotten the snakes out of that environment. So curious and determined, I gave it a try in meditation. I visualized myself going back into that dream. And this time I brought a brown mesh bag with me. And when I saw the snake again, I gently opened the bag and the snake slid in quickly, almost as if it. Trusted me and I carried it to an open field and released it into the wild and what happened next was quite magical. As a snake exited the bag, it turned back and kind of glided past my feet in a way that felt like a cat shows affection. But it was as if the snake was thanking me and this dream held quite a deep meaning for me because at the time I was making a significant shift in my business. I was moving from a rented room in a naturopathic clinic to considering opening my own center, which was a really big leap at the time. And I feared the unknown, especially how others might perceive my work. I had found a center that I'd looked at that was alongside a More traditional professions like lawyers and accountants, which would probably represent that shiny, you know, kind of doctor's office that I was seeing in the dream. So when I reflected on the dream, I saw the snake as a symbol of my inner strength and the importance of moving beyond fear. And it reminded me to align with my values, which are to serve, to help, and also to stay true to my path and authenticity. So it didn't really matter what others thought. What mattered was my intention and my integrity. So how does this story tie into 2025? The year of the snake and the energy of the nine year ask us to do exactly what that dream taught me. To release what no longer serves us. face our fears and trust our inner wisdom. So here are a few ways to align with these energies this year. So the first thing you can do is connect with your divine guidance. Take time each day to tune in whether through meditation, through journaling or simply sitting in silence. Ask for clarity and trust the messages that you receive. Make sure you put self care as a priority. Transformation requires energy. So make space for rest, nourishment and practices that recharge you. Remember, self care isn't selfish. It's essential. Reflect and release. So take stock of what's weighing you down. Are there old fears, are there habits or relationships that no longer align with who you are becoming? And just let them go with gratitude. And don't forget to embrace your strength. Just like the snake was shedding its skin, trust that you have the capacity to step into a new version of yourself. And just remember you're more capable than you realize. So as we explore these themes for this year, 2025, I feel called to share a message from my guide Anya. Channeling Anya has been, as you know, if you've been listening to this podcast for a while, has been, um, deeply transformative part of my own journey and a wisdom often Provides clarity and inspiration as well. So I'm going to take a moment now to connect with her and allow her guidance on stepping into this new year with grace, courage, and purpose. So join me now as I take a few moments and bring Anya through to connect on this topic of new years and intention setting.


Yes, yes, we are here, we are here. Ah, we love this story of the dream because dreaming is one of the ways in which we as guides can work with your unconscious self to be able to bring through messages and to give your mind a way to interpret the frequency and the vibration. Of your intuition so that you can start to, find more peace and alignment with spirit as you're moving through your life experience. So we love the fact that you have recalled this dream and the significance of the symbols and using symbology throughout your life in order to find meaning and to understand things. There are so many ways that you can connect with your intuition and so many ways that you can. Communicate with your guides and we love that you're exploring a variety of ways rather than sticking with just the one that feels safe and familiar and comfortable. Having a dream journal can be a wonderful way of just when you first wake up after that dream. as state and document or the dream just in the details and understanding what the dream represented and then allowing yourself to look at it from a different perspective and then also ask what love feels about the dream. And so, As we are a frequency vibrating with love, we would like to give you our perspective on the dream, and it is about the freedom from one's limiting thoughts and beliefs. So you're right. There is a sense where in that dream, Lisa, and we're going back quite a few years now, as we recall that frequency and that vibration with you, there was a sense of feeling trapped by one's fear and unable to trust in oneself in order to take that leap and to move. Out of the center and out of that known into taking on the full risk of a commercial premise and a lease. And it is a huge step. We understand why it feels like it's safer, almost as if one element of you liked that restriction. And almost you can imagine as, as the listeners are joining with us now can imagine. Whilst the snake can be contained in a habitat that there is a familiarity and a safety within that. But, oh, how much more incredible the exploration becomes when you allow yourself freedom from the mind's limitations and the fear that hold you back and keep you in a sense of separation. There is a releasing of the control. So when you think of a snake shedding its skin, it is literally letting go of the old, releasing that need to control the circumstances and the outcomes and understanding that you're working with an environment. When you allow yourself to move more into a trusting of life, And life bringing different situations and experiences to the forefront. You're able then to navigate and co create with spirit and co create with the very spirit of life itself. As you embark on setting intentions, because we know it is a new year, and this is quite often when you look back and reflect upon what worked last year and what it is you wish to take forward. We know that Lisa has been doing some deep diving into the world of her life experience and where she would like to move forward and the things that bring her passion and ignite that, joy within is always the path that we suggest you follow where the inspiration for you is. Flows and where there is a passion towards something that sometimes can feel frightening like that. Going back into that dream. And as she was able to reenter that dream through meditation, which is just the mind's perspective, opening up a different, perspective. When you're able to use your mind to look back on, you actually can change the frequency and the vibration around an experience that filters down through the subconscious to literally rewiring the brain and changing the patterns energetically, which then has physical outcomes. So it was in Lisa's case, a fear that she was aware of, but didn't quite understand. And in reframing that through just symbology and the dream, and then re entering the dream through meditation, she was able to literally free her own mind from the limitations as she was able to feel that fear that the snake had. And that she had because she was encountering a snake. And of course, there is a whole lot of society fear for those who live in Australia around encountering a snake. So there's that conditioned fear from society that plays a part in the, Instinct to protect oneself, which is a good thing. And there is also the energetic fear of the unknown stepping out. And once she was able to re engage, re enter that dream, take herself back into that environment, there's so many other significant. Parts of that experience where there was self judgment or not feeling quite good enough nor ready enough in order to establish a business and set her business aside right next door to accountants and lawyers, part of that was overcoming her own fears. Fear of being seen as professional or being seen as a professional modality, which was, and has always been part of Lisa's intention in creating professional Reiki masters and practitioners. So it was, that energy as well as then also representing the freedom that she was seeking. And we tell you this story because we know you'll draw from our experience and from Lisa's experience and her dream, you know, perhaps areas in your own life where you can relate to the messages of the unconscious mind and also how spirit communicates through the very powerful mode of your dreams. It's a wonderful way to begin. If you're just starting out on this journey of connecting with your intuition and starting to interpret the messages. And we have found in the past, looking at your dreams from a logical perspective can be beneficial, but also looking at it through the patterns and also through the symbology can be helpful. the symbology with the animals can also represent meaning for humans to interpret their life and their life's journey and experiences. So we hope that this message has been, helpful for you and we look forward to engaging with you again soon. Namaste. Namaste.

Lisa Brandis:

So, yeah, she's offered a different. Deeper perspective on my dream than I'd originally considered. There was lots going on for me at that time. It's interesting when we look back at what we're releasing and, It can be really beneficial to stop and sit in gratitude as to all the things that you have done in the past and all the things that you've achieved and experienced and especially those hard times and the challenges that you've been through that all contribute to Making you the beautiful person that you are right now. So hopefully part of your process in this new beginning in this new year is taking time to appreciate all that you are and all that you have done and all that you've experienced thus far as you start to get ready for what is to come and invite in all the magic and all the mystery and all the love and all the fun and the joy and the connections that you are going to make. I hope that as we step into this year of transformation that we do so with intention and a trust in the divine guidance that's always available to us. Remember, you're not alone on this journey, whether it's through the dreams, meditation, or even just the quiet moments of reflection, the universe is always whispering messages of support and love. So thank you for joining me today. let's make 2025 a year of connection, growth, and transformation. Until next time, stay intuitive, stay inspired, and don't forget to take care of yourself.