Connecting to Spirit: Channelling, Mediumship, and Intuition

#12 - Breaking Free from Life’s Repeated Patterns

Lisa Brandis

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For more on intuitive guidance, spiritual growth, and how to harness the power of Reiki, follow Lisa Brandis, the world’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. Lisa is an internationally renowned Spirit Channeler and the founder of Intuitive Reiki International. With a deep passion for empowering others, Lisa helps individuals transform their lives by developing their intuition through Reiki.

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Welcome back to the podcast. Today we're diving into a topic that touches all of us at some point. Those reoccurring patterns in life that seem to keep us stuck, whether in relationships, career choices, or even our personal habits. Have you ever found yourself thinking, why does this keep happening to me? Or why can't I seem to move forward? If so, this episode is for you. We'll explore why these patterns occur, how they're rooted in our energy, and most importantly, what you can do to break free. As always, we'll draw on insights from Reiki, spiritual guidance, and personal growth practices. Plus, I'll share a powerful story of transformation And a practical exercise to help you take the first step towards freedom. Let's get started. So let's begin by understanding why we fall into these patterns in the first place. Think of your energy as a stream carving a path through the sand. Over time, the stream follows the same route, making it deeper and harder to change course. This is what happens in our life when unresolved emotions or experiences create energetic grooves. These grooves often stem from past traumas, limiting beliefs, Or even inherited patterns from family or society. For example, if you grew up believing that you had to earn love by pleasing others, you might find yourself stuck in a pattern of overgiving and neglecting your own needs. The energy of that belief keeps pulling you back time and time again into similar situations, no matter how hard you try to break free. Does that sound familiar? Now, here's the good news. Patterns are not permanent. They are simply reflections of the energy that we hold. And when we shift our energy, guess what? We shift the pattern as well. So the role of Reiki in breaking patterns, this is where Reiki comes in. Reiki works by clearing energetic patterns blocks and balances your energy field. Imagine those grooves in the sand again. Reiki doesn't just fill them in, it softens and reshapes the landscape, allowing your energy to now flow in new and healthier directions. To make this more tangible, let me share Kylie's story. Kylie came to me feeling stuck and she was in a cycle of self doubt and fear, especially when it came to pursuing her creative dreams. During one of our live, channeling classes, we uncovered old energy that was tied to feelings of failure from her past. And as this energy was released, Kylie began to feel lighter and more confident and more able to take small courageous steps towards her goals. And today she's thriving in ways she never thought possible. Reiki is not magic. It's a tool and a powerful one that helps you align with your true self and break free from the energetic tension. Patterns that are holding you back. Let's begin by understanding why we fall into these patterns in the first place. Think of your energy as a stream carving a path through the sand. Over time, the stream follows the same route, making it deeper and harder to change course. This is what happens in our lives, when unresolved emotions or experiences create energetic grooves. These grooves often stem from past traumas, limiting beliefs, or even inherited patterns from our family or society. For example, if you grew up believing you had to earn love by pleasing others, you might find yourself stuck in a pattern of overgiving and neglecting your own needs. The energy of that belief keeps pulling you into similar situations, no matter how hard you try to break free. Sound familiar? Now here's the good news. Patterns are not permanent. They are simply reflections of the energy we hold. And when we shift our energy, we shift the pattern. So this is where Reiki comes in. Reiki works by clearing energetic blocks and balancing your energy field. Imagine those grooves in the sand again. Reiki doesn't just fill them in. It softens and reshapes the landscape. Allowing your energy to flow in new and healthier directions. To make this more tangible, let me share Kylie's story. Kylie came to me stuck in a cycle of self doubt and fear, especially when it came to pursuing her creative dreams. During one of her, channeling sessions, we uncovered an old energy tied to feelings of failure from her past. And as this energy was released, Kylie began to feel lighter, more confident. She was able to take small, courageous steps towards her goals. And today she is thriving in ways she never thought possible. Now, Reiki is not magic. It's a tool and a powerful one that helps you align with your true self and break free from the energetic patterns that are holding you back. So let's take a moment to explore how stuck energy shows up in our lives. When energy is blocked, it can manifest as. In the physical level, fatigue, tension, or even chronic pain, emotional heaviness, we can get anxiety, feel sad or frustration, or mental loops, just reoccurring thoughts of self-doubt, fear, or worry. Now, recognizing these signs is the first step to healing. Your body and emotions are always communicating with you. Offering clues about where your energy might need attention. So let's do a quick exercise to reflect on your own patterns. Pause the podcast, grab a journal or just take a mental note. Think about a reoccurring situation in your life where you feel stuck. Perhaps it's a relationship dynamic or a career roadblock or even a personal habit that you just can't seem to shake. I want you to ask yourself, what emotions arise when I think about this pattern? Where might this pattern have originated? Was there a specific moment, a belief, or even an experience that planted the seed? And what small step could I take to respond differently the next time this pattern shows up? And lastly, how can I bring more love and compassion to myself as I work through this? Just take a few moments now to reflect because the act of bringing awareness to these questions is already a powerful step towards positive change. And now I'd like to share a message from my guide Anya who often speaks about patterns as opportunities for growth. I'm just going to take a few moments to bring Anya through and see what she has to say on this topic. Yes, yes, we're here. We're here. Ahh, we are very interested in helping you to understand this from a spiritual perspective. So looking at different ways in which the patterns can show up in your life. One way is to understand the connection between your thoughts, the thoughts that you're thinking, and also the emotions that you are experiencing because your emotions lead you to an understanding of whether the thoughts that you're thinking are in alignment with positivity or unconditional love, or whether you are acting out of a predisposition coming from perhaps some of the programming, some of the societal, or even physical, familial programming, and it can be a quick way to engage and understand what might be driving the thoughts, the emotions, the feelings that you're experiencing on a day to day basis. So when we talk about looking at things from a higher plane or from a higher spiritual perspective, we're giving you an understanding that the emotions will lead you into an awareness and awareness is looking at things from a higher vantage point and when you can bring an awareness a broader perspective to some of the problems and the challenges that you're facing as an example was given earlier of self doubt or that inner criticism that perhaps can come from a feeling of fear of failure or Or any kind of emotional block, we usually find that when there is a great desire to achieve something, then quite often there is great resistance because it has an energy of pressure that comes because it is a desired outcome. And when you focus on the desired outcome, it can take you out of the present moment and bring you into that energy of concern. And when you can take a few moments to reflect, this is the part we feel that humans keep themselves so busy in their day to day world that they go from moment to moment without giving adequate time to really just softening into the reflective phase. We would like to introduce moments that you can find and create time for positive reflection, such as when you're going to bed, you can, Tap in with a Reiki session where you can give yourself healing, bring your hands to your body and just allow yourself to have that intention to look back upon your day and look at where there were perhaps some struggles or where you're experiencing difficulty. difficulty or where self doubt, comes up and starts to limit your experiences. And when you take the time to work with Reiki, you can often reflect back on where is this coming from? Where is the thought, the feeling that is creating the anxiety or the worry or the tension. And quite often when you allow yourself to explore, it's recognizing then that there's a belief inherent that perhaps can be addressed or can be understood. And it is not simply about recognizing or identifying where you're right or where you're wrong. It is looking at just deepening your understanding and sometimes the programs and beliefs are created when you're quite young or created when you're in a different circumstance or experience that it is beneficial to address them and sometimes look at those limiting beliefs and changing them out. And it is essential. identifying them. Perhaps that feeling of, Oh, what if, in Lisa's case, what if there is not an adequate channel or what if she's not able to clear her mind, to the degree with which she can bring through our wisdom and our clarity. And that limiting belief is something that has created a stumbling block for her in her pathway forward. And it is understanding and identifying that that limiting belief does not serve her and in fact, When she actually reflects back over the past, she's aware that we're able to interact with you through her, even though she has doubts and insecurities around her ability to channel clear and effective messages. So we use this as an example for those that are starting to learn how to trust her intuition and starting to blend with their guides. And starting to get intuitive insights and messages through it is quite common that the mind has an ability to sit alongside the channeled messages, still arguing about its relevance and whether the message is clear enough or whether the message is profound enough. And this comes back down to, in this example, the human's intention and the human's expectation on oneself. This example can be applied across multiple different things that you struggle with, whether it's coming from a desire to want to be needed by those around you, whether it comes from a desire to want to keep others happy. And there are all kinds of things that drive our behavior and therefore give us those emotions and experiences based on the thoughts and the beliefs that are held deep within the consciousness a belief is just a thought that you keep thinking and so it can easily be challenged and replaced. This is what is necessary when you are wanting to change your state in order to move into more grace and flow, it can be done within a, meditation process or within just some quiet self reflection, or it can be done with the guidance of a healer or a channel or a medium or even a friend that can allow you the space to explore some of those different Deeper thoughts behind the actions. So we hope this has been, helpful in order to give you our perspective on the topic today, and we now will hand you back to Lisa. Namaste. Okay, I never quite know what Anya is going to say before, so I just trust, which isn't always easy, as she just pointed out, trust that she'll come through and that she'll have a message that's relevant and valuable. So if you did like the message and found it helpful, please let me know. It's always nice to know that her messages and my messages are reaching you where you need, need them. And Also just wanted to wrap up. So we'll talk about some actionable steps that you can take today to start breaking free from your old patterns. So as well as the ones that Anja just mentioned, reflect on your patterns. Use the questions from the exercise to deepen your awareness. You could try a grounding meditation. I did this today in my Reiki session because I was not prepared when my client arrived and was in a bit of stress state. The quickest way for me to get into an open and receptive state for a Reiki session was to do a grounding technique. You can, use lots of different meditations, that will help you to ground. It helps you to calm your energy and brings clarity to the root of the pattern. And you can, of course, book a Reiki session if you're ready to clear those energetic grooves and create lasting change. Reiki is a wonderful way to begin. So thank you for joining me on this exploration of breaking free from life's patterns. I hope today's episode has inspired you to look at your own patterns with fresh eyes and a renewed sense of hope. Remember you have the power to shift your energy and create a life that truly reflects your highest potential. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with someone who might need a little encouragement. And if you're ready to dive deeper, reach out and book a Reiki session or join me at one of my upcoming workshops. Until next time. Take care of your energy and keep growing into the beautiful soul you were meant to be. Take care.