Connecting to Spirit: Channelling, Mediumship, and Intuition

#8: Holiday Calm: Reiki Techniques for Stress-Free Celebrations

Lisa Brandis Season 1 Episode 8

In this episode, explore how Reiki can help you navigate the holiday season with ease and calm. Hear a touching story about Sarah, a school teacher who discovered the benefits of Reiki during a stressful time. Learn practical tips for incorporating short, self-healing Reiki sessions into your daily routine to stay grounded and reduce overwhelm. Stay tuned to experience a channeled message from Spirit Guide Anya, offering wisdom and support as you approach the busy holiday season. Discover the potential of Reiki to transform stress into peace and joy. 

Don't forget to check out the free 90-minute Reiki masterclass linked in the show notes! Learn more about Reiki:

00:00 Introduction and Holiday Stress

01:41 Reiki as a Tool for Holiday Stress

02:23 Sarah's Story: Finding Peace with Reiki

04:45 Incorporating Reiki into Your Routine

07:01 Channeling a Message from Anya

10:19 Anya's Guidance on Perfection and Surrender

12:37 Reflection and Gratitude

15:44 Conclusion and Further Resources

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Thank you for tuning in to this episode! We hope you found inspiration and valuable insights.

For more on intuitive guidance, spiritual growth, and how to harness the power of Reiki, follow Lisa Brandis, the world’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. Lisa is an internationally renowned Spirit Channeler and the founder of Intuitive Reiki International. With a deep passion for empowering others, Lisa helps individuals transform their lives by developing their intuition through Reiki.

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Join Lisa on her journey to help you embrace your intuitive power and make a lasting difference in your life and the world!


Hello and welcome to today's episode. I'm so glad you're joining me. The holiday season is upon us and while it's a time of joy and celebration, it can also be a period filled with lots of stress and overwhelm between work, family commitments, and trying to make everything perfect. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and like there's just way too much going on. Today I want to share with you how Reiki can be a tool to help you navigate this busy time with more ease and calm. Whether you're trying to stay grounded, dealing with family dynamics, or simply managing the holiday rush, Reiki has the ability to bring you back to center, even during the most chaotic moments. I'll also share a beautiful story about one of my students who found peace during the holiday season through Reiki. Plus, make sure to stick around until the end because I'll be direct trans-channeling a message from my spirit guide, Anya, that I believe will be especially supportive as we move through this season.

So I have a beautiful student named Sarah who's a school teacher. Like many of us, she experiences a lot of stress during the holiday season between the end-of-year school business, preparing for family gatherings, and just trying to get everything wrapped up before the holiday break. Sarah would often tell me that she felt she was running on empty by the time the holidays arrived, and she quite often got sick when she finally was allowed to stop and rest. The pressure to meet everyone's expectations was overwhelming. Sarah came to me last year looking for ways to use Reiki for self-care. She was new to energy healing and didn't think she had the time for long sessions, especially during the busiest part of the year. But after our first Reiki session together, she felt something shift. She could feel the energy working through her, calming her nervous system and grounding her in a way that she hadn't experienced before. We talked about using Reiki during short, simple breaks throughout her day. She was inspired after experiencing a few sessions with me to go on and do my Reiki training course because it's online. She was able to do it self-paced, take as long as she wanted, and fit it in on weekends. She found that being able to use self-Reiki during her lunch breaks or even just before a stressful staff meeting was beneficial. She would place her hands on her heart and solar plexus and let that warm, loving, nurturing energy flow through her for just five to ten minutes.

It was a simple but powerful way for her to reset. She found that she had energy levels without needing hours and hours of free time. By using Reiki this way, Sarah found she was able to release stress in the moment, reset her energy, and come back to her family and her work with a clearer mind and more peace. This allowed her to enjoy the holiday season with a sense of ease that she hadn't felt in years. If you can relate to Sarah's story, I want to reassure you that you can absolutely use Reiki during this busy season to reset and find balance, no matter how hectic life gets. The beauty of Reiki is that it's always available to you, even in small doses, and it can bring immense healing and calm. So, here are a few ways to incorporate Reiki into your holiday routine. Start with short self-healing sessions as Sarah did. Use short bursts of Reiki throughout your day, even just five to ten minutes with your hands on your heart or belly, just to help you reconnect, release any stress that you're holding, and even engage in grounding rituals. You can spend a few moments each morning before your day gets busy to ground yourself in Reiki energy. This could be a quick meditation, a moment of stillness, or even while in the shower in the morning. You can simply place your hands anywhere on your body to tune in. You can use it to clear energy. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the energy of others, use Reiki to amplify love and to reconnect back into that beautiful space of unconditional love. Instead of feeling depleted by others, look for opportunities where you can use the energy you have access to uplift and make a difference with other people. You can simply channel Reiki through your hands and use the power of intention to bring in positive energy into your environment. By doing so, you'll be the one creating a happy vibe in your workplace. You can also use Reiki to send it to loved ones. As you think of loved ones or even people you may find stressful, send them Reiki. It's a beautiful way to send healing energy regardless of physical distance. When we're tired and overwhelmed, we can be quick to jump to anger. So don't forget the Reiki principle: Just for today, do not anger. As a spiritual reminder, remember the antidote to anger and worry is gratitude.

By practicing these techniques, you can reduce stress, reset your energy, and bring more peace into your daily routine. The holidays don't have to be a time of overwhelm. They can be a time of joy, peace, and connection when you allow Reiki to support you. I feel inspired by one of my friends to offer something a little extra special. Many of you know that I work closely with Spirit Guides, and today I'm going to be connecting with my Spirit Guide Anya, who represents a collective. She's always ready to share loving insights and thoughts with my audience and my listeners. I'm really excited to channel a message for you now. Anya's wisdom is always comforting and inspiring, and I believe what she has to share today will be incredibly supportive as we approach the busy and sometimes challenging holiday season. So I invite you now to settle into a comfortable, relaxed space. If you're driving, you can always pause and come back to this later. But for everyone else, close your eyes and feel into the energy that Anya transmits during channeled sessions, and trust that this message will reach you wherever you are. Okay, I'm just going to prepare myself and bring Anya through.

One of the techniques that Lisa uses to be able to connect with us is to simply focus on her breath. And we want to remind you that one of the quickest ways to decompress from stress, to get stress out of your body, is to focus on that powerful breath of yours, as it is an automatic system within the body. Quite often you don't realize that your breath is getting high up in your chest. What happens is your body can get depleted from oxygen. So just simply taking a moment to place your hand on your heart, we are instructing Lisa to do the same now. Taking a moment, and please feel free to join in with us, as we amplify the energy for you now and give you a simple guided exercise that can help you connect into the peace that is available, whether you are attuned to Reiki or not. Reiki is a remembrance. You are all healers. You are all connected to unconditional loving energy. Each and every one of you has a team of benevolent beings like us that are here, willing and ready to support and assist you in any way that we can. All that is needed is your desire to do so and your permission for us to blend and to guide you through your moments. So as we blend with Lisa now, we are just further deepening our connection. And we are also sending energy in waves of frequency and light to each and every one of you. As you feel into the resonance of our light, the sound, the frequency, just allow your body to deepen your breath now as you breathe in for a count of four, hold for a moment, and slowly release the out-breath.

Breathing in... and breathing out... Breathing in... and breathing out...

One of the things that we would like to remind you of is that events will happen, and when you are tired and a little agitated, when life is feeling pressured—and there is, from what we have witnessed, great pressure during this busy period, which in some cases, especially with Lisa, can be self-induced pressure—it can be due to that desire for perfection. We want to speak about that. We want to speak about where that comes from, that desire to want to have everything perfect. Beneath that desire for perfection, there is a caring energy. There is a part of you that desires things to go well, to be able to have smooth situations and family events. But we would like to introduce an element to you all, which is the process of surrender. It is about having great expectations, yes, setting a desire, following through on the promises you make, and creating. But it is the mindset and the attitude that derail you when you are feeling pressured by others or saying yes to taking on more than you have the capacity for without burning yourself out. It is learning how to assess what it is you have on your plate. When someone asks you to do something, give yourself time and space before you answer. It can feel like pressure because quite often, family expectations can be high, sometimes with you imposing those expectations on others. So it's an opportunity for you all to reset, to set clear and positive intentions for the way in which you would like to experience family gatherings, shopping, and asking the universe to help you throughout the days and weeks leading up to the Christmas celebration.

We also want you to take time out if you can, to really lean into the things that matter the most: the people, the opportunities to connect with your loved ones, the energy behind gift-sharing and thoughtfulness, and the playfulness. Don't forget to have fun. Enjoy celebration. Enjoy the year that has been. Take some time to reflect, whether it's with your family members, co-workers, or just internally through journaling. Take time to stop and congratulate yourself for all that you have done, all that you have achieved. This is what we see the Christmas season best for: having time to reflect and also time to think about what it is you've experienced this year that you've loved, that you would like to take through into the following year. It's also about learning that everything is an opportunity to expand and create new opportunities based on past experiences.

We are loving this experience of engaging with you. We are very grateful for Lisa's friend who has encouraged her to bring direct trans messages through for you all. We have been tapping Lisa on the shoulder and encouraging her to do this podcast. So, we are very grateful for this opportunity to help you in any way that we can. Feel free to ask us questions, send an email to Lisa, or message her via social media. We are here at your service, looking forward to teaching you how to expand into more love, more light, and more radiant joy so that you can fully embrace all of your energy and live life with as much joy and harmony as you can muster. We are Anya, we are a collective, and we are here to inspire, engage, support, and uplift you.

Thank you for listening and for being a part of this experience. Namaste. If you enjoyed this, please let me know because it's a little nerve-wracking putting this out and channeling is a bit left of field, not quite mainstream. But I know there are lots of people who understand the power of our spirit guides and know that they come with pure love to inspire, guide, and uplift us. So let me know if you enjoyed it, and I'll keep doing it. Marnie made me promise to channel for the next five weeks in a row. So I found a way to incorporate what I wanted to do, which was sharing with you and then bringing Anya in at the end. So, thank you, Marnie. It was fun, like you knew it would be. I enjoyed it, and I hope you did too. Thank you once again for being here today. I hope you found some tools, techniques, and stories to inspire you to use Reiki during this busy season to stay grounded, centered, and peaceful. If you want to learn more about Reiki and how to incorporate it into your daily life, I have a free 90-minute Reiki masterclass, which is a perfect introduction to the healing modality of Reiki. I will leave the link in the show notes, so be sure to check it out. Thank you again for listening. I wish you all the peace, love, and light that Reiki has to offer. May your holiday season be filled with healing and joy, and I will see you next week.