Connecting to Spirit: Channelling, Mediumship, and Intuition

#5: Trusting the Messages You Channel

Lisa Brandis Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode of 'Connecting to Spirit,' Lisa Brandis discusses the importance of trusting the messages received during channeling. She shares a personal story about overcoming doubts during her first public trance channel demonstration with the support of her Reiki master friends. 

Lisa emphasizes that fears and doubts are normal and provides practical tips to distinguish between imagination and intuition. She advises starting small, recognizing patterns, and seeking validation to build trust over time. 

Lisa concludes by encouraging listeners to practice, be patient, and have faith in their intuitive abilities.

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For more on intuitive guidance, spiritual growth, and how to harness the power of Reiki, follow Lisa Brandis, the world’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. Lisa is an internationally renowned Spirit Channeler and the founder of Intuitive Reiki International. With a deep passion for empowering others, Lisa helps individuals transform their lives by developing their intuition through Reiki.

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Hello, and welcome back to connecting to spirit. I'm Lisa. Brandis and today's episode. Is focused on something essential for anyone beginning to channel. Trusting the. Messages you receive. This can be challenging, especially when. You're just starting out, but it's absolutely crucial if you. Want to receive guidance that's both clear and accurate. For yourself and for others. Before we dive in. Have you shared. This podcast with a friend. I know if you know someone who's on a spiritual. spiritual journey or who is looking to deepen their connection with their intuition that can. Moment now to share this episode with them. Now let's jump straight into. Today's topic. So one of the most common fears when starting out. Is the worry. What if it's just my imagination. This thought is normal and we're going to cover some practical. Tips for distinguishing between imagination and Intune. Intuitive guidance, but I want to begin by sharing a story from my own journey. So I was at dinner and I was joined. And by three wonderful women, Rachel Fiona and Vennie, they were Reiki masters. As whom I've had the honor of teaching. They were there to support me at. At this event, it was the very first time I'd done a public. Trans channel demonstration. And I have to say having them by my side. Side made such a difference. But even with their presence, I was super. Super nervous. I was picking at my food imagining all. All the things that might go wrong. And my mind was in total overdrive. I'm sure. Sure you can relate. Uh, Rachel, who's also a personal friend. Of mine. She was sensing my nurse and she looked me right in the eye. And. She said, look, I've just projected myself into the future. The event has I've already been there. The event was amazing. You did a great job as always Lisa now stop stressing and eat your dinner. She was very direct. But she also kind of. Snapped me out of that negativity I was sitting in, I was letting. My imagination run wild in a negative way and really worrying instead. Of being present with the beautiful women who had given up their evening to support. Support me. Um, words just instantly brought me back into the present. Present I relaxed. We shared a few laughs and I was able to enjoy. My dinner. And then we made our way back up to my center, which was. Uh, located in parks. So we were at the restaurant we were sitting at was. Just a short walk from the office or the center. Um, so. So later as I was waiting in one of my healing rooms. Ready to be introduced. I looked out. Across the audience and. And I could say there was this man sitting in the front row. And he was literally typical from center. So. Not like I could even kind of not be. Aware of his presence sitting there. And he had his arms crossed. Crossed. And straightaway my heart skipped a beat my mindset. Racing again. And it's all part of the nerves of doing an event. Like this. And a status and things to myself like, oh my God. He's wife's. Uh, probably dragged it here. I bet you, he thinks this channeling stuff's real nonsense. Or we're still, what if he's a skeptic? And. I literally took a deep breath and I asked. Under my spirit. Spirit guide for help. And she responded really clearly by saying don't. Don't judge. Him by his body language, Lisa, she said, I've. Got you. Let's just focus on not just him. The entire. Higher order an audience and be of service in this way that we can. So in that moment, I knew I needed to shift my focus away from the worry. So. When I did get out to the front, I kind of adjusted my chest slightly. Slightly. So I wasn't sitting directly opposite him. And I decided. To expand my awareness to just taking the energy of the entire room. Not just that one person, uh, my beautiful Reiki master for. I helped to set the intention and the energy for the space. She got it. Everyone, including myself into a place of love and connection. And then when Andrea came through, she began to answer questions. From the audience with such ease. And the energy just flowed. As it always had done the session turned out to be incredible justice, Rachel. Rachel had predicted and at the end, that same man who I. I had worried about approached me. And I remember thinking. Here we. Go my heart skipped a beat. And he actually came over and thanked me. He said, That's such a great night. I loved it. He said the message that anew gay. Gave his wife had answered a question that. She'd been struggling with any citizen validated something he'd been saying to her. For months, it was around a decision. And the channeled. Message reinforced the decision that she was going to be making to leave a particular. Job that she was in and unhappy in. And he'd been saying pretty much the same things. And you had said to her as well. So this experience was. It was such a great reminder, not to let my imagination run wild. With worry. So it is so natural to have fears. Fears and doubts, especially in this kind of work. We're hearing that. And those negative thoughts are just part of the journey been channeling for. For 15 years. And this event was about five years ago. Um, maybe even a little longer, it was one of the first public trans. Channel demonstrations. Uh, but I just wanted to say that it's. Important. To learn how to manage. Your negative thoughts. Instead of expecting that to disappear, what you will find with channeling. Or mediumship or healing, whatever we're doing, we're always expanding, which means. We're always growing. And moving into areas where. There's discomfort where there's discomfort. It means there's growth and change. Change. So we can turn down the dial on the worry and take. Small steps, which is the key here. Small steps. In the direction of our passion and purpose. So just to give you some context. But being channeling on yet through a one-on-one healing sessions. For a good eight or nine years before I took that late. To start trance channeling in front of a group of strangers. So I didn't just suddenly. Suddenly rock up one day and go. And yeah, let's just do readings for. A group. It's something that had been fine tuned and practiced. Over years before I felt that that was the right next step for me. But it didn't mean that I wasn't stressed and nervous or even. I have doubts, whether it would be able to do it. So the reason I'm sharing this with you is because. Because over time that trust builds when you supported. By feedback from your clients when doing a channel. Readings through, um, working with Reiki. Uh, as well. As knowing that beautiful feeling of being in flow when. We are channeling. So I want to just finalize this by. By getting into some practical tips to help you start building trust. In your own channeling and healing journey. So tip number one. One recognize imagination and intuition. As close friends and Kate, remember the imagination. And intuition are very closely linked. Sometimes we can dismiss. Miss our intuitive insights because they feel like our imagination. But often imagination is simply the gateway to. To your intuition, especially when it's mediumship and channeling. And when. We're starting to get messages and guidance. It can come through that imagination. Nation and intuitive process trusting this process starts by tuning. Going into how each message feels. Is there a sense of calm? Clarity. And positivity, then that's a strong. Strong sign it's intuition. That's guiding you. My second. Tip is to build trust over time. You don't need full trust. Just right away, just like in my story. Trusting in. Your guidance. Over time, those moments when you validate what's coming. Through. Um, Like the feedback I got from the man. Then after the session are what strengthens your translatable by little. Uh, start small and grow in confidence. Start with simple small messages or ask for insight. Insights on light topics. I always teach my loan to channel students. To work with angel cards because we start with a basic, we have a theme. Theory a theme that comes from the cards that we pull and then we stop. Start to talk and communicate with our guides and start to expand upon the message. Uh, either from what we read in the book, the guide book, and then how. We take that into how can we develop that communication and further, deeper? Deepen in the messages that we can get from our guides. So when we also. So practice in small manageable ways. It helps us to build the trust. Trust without overwhelming us. I also suggest you look. For patterns and repetition pay attention to repeated messages. Messages, a lot of people will say they see 11, 11, and we. I always suggest that when you see a message stop. What you doing and tune in and just connect with your guides and see if there's something that they want you to know. What do I identify or check with the thoughts that you're thinking? Because we create. Create our own reality. So sometimes we have to stop and, and go into that. Observer mode and just see whether the thoughts we are having come from love or fear. Um, Also guidance will come through in different ways. But with a common theme or message. These patterns are assigned. To trust. What you're hearing. Or what you're receiving. So ask for validation as well. Finally, you can ask. Ask your guides for specific validation, whether it's a sign or just feeling. Feeling of certainty. You can ask your guides for confirmation to help. You to feel more confident about the messages that you're receiving? The other thing I. I suggest is that students get together and practice with each other because. You know, you're in a safe place to be able to slip up and make a few mistakes. Mistakes, which is part of learning anything. And it's certainly a part of learning. Channeling and learning how to connect to mediumship and your intuition. So. They have it. These are my five practical ways. To build trust in the messages you receive when you're channeling remember. Remember, this journey is a process with practice patients. And a little faith. Your trust will grow and channeling will become. Even more Nash, more and even more natural part. Part of your life. Thanks so much for joining me today. If you have enjoyed this episode. Be sure to subscribe. And share it with a friend and. As always, I love hearing from you. So reach out if you have any questions. Or stories of your own that you would like to share, or if there's a particular. Particular topic that you would like to cover? Um, happy to do so as. As well until next time, keep trusting yourself. Remember you're not alone. On this journey, take care and I'll see you next time on the connecting. To channel podcast.