Intuitive Reiki: Bridging Healing Energy and Spirit Messages
[00:00:00] In this episode, I thought I would explain. Explore Reiki and specifically how to learn Reiki. Reiki can assist you. In the development of channeling, skills as well as your psychic development. So, first, let's begin with what is Reiki. I'm going to read directly. My book, is titled "Intuitive Reiki: A Transformational Journey. of Deep Spiritual Awakening".
This is a little excerpt. Chapter Two called What is Reiki? A little bit of the history and background of Reiki, a spiritual healing art. It was founded by Mikao Usui in Japan, in the 1920s. The term Reiki comes from two Japanese words, Ray. Meaning universal life. And Ki meaning energy. According to the international association of Reiki professionals. Reiki is not affiliated with any religion or religious practice. And is not based on belief or suggestion. Instead. It is a subtle tool
[00:01:00] and an effective form of energy work. That uses spiritually guided life force energy. Reiki practitioners believe that this healing energy flows through. All living things and that everyone can connect with their healing energy. To strengthen themselves and others when a person's Chi flows. flows strong and free their body and mind are in a positive state. Of health.
However, when energy is weak or blocked, It can lead to physical or emotional imbalance. Reiki. He was a very popular practice in Japan before World War 2, but it was. Later outlawed as a touch treatment after the war. Which resulted in a significant decline in its popularity, as a result, you Usui Reiki. Had to operate covertly. Really for many years, despite the challenges. He decided not to formalize Reiki as a religion, even though if he had done. It would have made Reiki much more popular. He [00:02:00] created it to be accessible to all individuals a vision that remains unchanged to this day.
So, what is the difference between Reiki? Reiki, traditional Reiki, and Intuitive Reiki. So intuitive Reiki. Reiki. Is a modality that I have taken standing on the shoulders of the Reiki practitioners, and masters that have gone before me, but also, I found that when I was practicing I started to tune into that beautiful energy. Energy. I was open to receiving messages from spirits and guides.
And I remember in the very early days of my Reiki practice, I was told very adamantly that there was no place for that in Reiki. And that healing was a very passive experience. And that we really, as practitioners a masters. Needed to zip it and not talk because of that. It would be. Into interfering with the healing [00:03:00] energy. And it was seen as, an egoic practice to be able. To talk during the sessions. I disagree. And it was also, you know, those. That I believe weren't particularly intuitive themselves. Naturally felt more comfortable in just really being present with the energy honoring. The person that we're with and just allowing the energy. We have Reiki to do what Reiki does best.
So, it was trusting. That the energy itself is intuitive. Therefore, we don't need to direct. It is humans. We just need to open and become channels. For the universal life force energy to flow. So, in its purest. The state of Reiki is allowing that vibration to flow through us and to be able to have an effect and have a connection. Um, it activates the immune system of the people. We're giving rate or the person that we're giving Reiki to. And it also creates a channel. Channel four. Um, a spiritual essence to flow and to create.
[00:04:00] Life changes. On the physical, and mental spirit. spiritual and emotional levels of the human system.
There is an element. Raiment that I will say where there is a phenomenon known as just. Where we must surrender to the mystery of Reiki. No matter how long we've been doing Reiki, or how much we think we know the. The essence of Reiki, there is always this element as part of it that we just can't grasp with our human mind. There's just something that happens in the session that I believe is the best. The best way to describe it is that when we're open to that power of love.
Amazing. Things happen. People heal people and release emotions. They. Release unconscious blocks and conscious blocks. And they shift and change. Change I've seen healing happen on the physical level. I've seen amazing. Amazing thing, shifting on an emotional level. And. There is an element that is as practitioners and masters. We just sit in or have Raychem what. We can [00:05:00] do. Um, just. By really being a bystander and allowing that beautiful energy to flow through. Us.
And not only that. We, when we enter a session. With our clients, we park all our problems outside the. Healing room. And one of my Reiki masters taught. In the very, very beginning when you sit opposite someone and they're about. Have a Reiki session from you. Give them 100% of your focus. Focusing your attention.
And I think in this day and age, Uh, Having someone sit opposite you. That is 100% focused. On you and wanting to be there to support you is a little bit rare. And if you've ever been someone that has been under the gaze. Of someone who is doing just that giving you their full undivided attention. It feels amazing. So base. Based on that fact alone. And there are so many other things that make a Reiki session. Amazing.
It's the atmosphere we create. That can. Can be from the beautiful [00:06:00] space that we hold the room. How we've, dealing space, can be the lighting. Adding. Uh, the temperature of the room, the music that we play. All these little things just create. Create a nurturing environment for. Your clients come into and I'm speaking primarily to the students that I've trained. So Um, just that alone coming and having a Reiki session. If you were just receiving the energy. And I call it. Kind of when you come in, you're, you're having your energy, you know, just running energy. Energy and, you know, the person just gets to lay down, close their eyes. I'm fully relaxed and embrace that experience.
That is how I used to do Reiki. In the beginning, it was just, that I didn't want to get messages. I was. Aware that I was psychic, but I was not interested in it. Um, In hearing from anything spirit wanted to sign. In fact, in the beginning, I was quite afraid of it. And it wasn't until a few years after I'd. Been [00:07:00] practicing and working with Reiki, I'd move through some of the fear that I had. Which I do talk about in my book. Some significant. Uh, psychic mediumship experiences that I had, where I. I had a conversation with. A young boy who had passed away, who I worked. I worked with Starlight Children's Foundation. So you can read about that. That story is in my book, or maybe I'll share a podcast about that. So in the beginning, I was just really happy to run energy and the majority. Of my students begin that way, where they're just getting the understanding that, um, they. They learn how to flow into that energy flow with the Reiki energy. Lay their hands on a person.
Um, Reiki. Fully clothed. So you're nice and comfortable. You get to chill out. And you get to receive the benefit of that beautiful Reiki energy, and it feels. Like heat coming from the Reiki master's hands. And the energy flows through the body. So you can feel it, create. We hate this. Um, Deep [00:08:00] relaxation. Uh, what then started happening as I started, I went. On a psychic mediumship development path.
So I was fascinated. Once I started to move through the fear of spirit. I then had a bit of a thirst. For wanting to know more in the beginning, I was kind of like, I don't know if he'd sit around and people would tell spooky spirit stories. And I'd be like, oh my God, I'd lean in. And I'm like, tell me more, tell me more.
And then. I'd be like, stop, stop, stop. I was like this total conflict one. Part of my being just couldn't get enough. I've learned about. Reiki in spirituality and psychics. Psychic mediums and, and the spirit realm, and then another. Another part of me was like, Oh, my God, I don't. I felt out of control.
I didn't. I was scared. What if they come at night and quite often? Um, I would put a lot of energy out. I remember someone well, Meaning once telling me if I didn't want spirit to come to me. Um, and this was. Going back when I was like [00:09:00] 18. To put salt in all four corners. Honors of my room and to imagining closing the door to spirit and then padlocking. It and saying, don't come. Literally. Anyone who understands. Uh, energy. Um, what I was effectively doing was. Putting a lot of focus out. So they came in. They gave. Came in.
And I saw, you know, a lot of spirit. Um, in those early, early days. Days, which kind of led me down the path. Uh, wanting to understand and learn. On how to manage. Um, what I could see felt from that psychic mediumships perspective. So for those of you who don't. No a psychic medium. Is somebody who can. Connect with and tune into the spirit world and can. Relay messages that they receive from those who have passed over. So our loved ones, our ancestors. But also a spirit guide. Um, also for. Uh, also fall. Under that domain. So coming back to what? [00:10:00] Intuitively it's also different, Lisa.
Well, when I started. To develop my psychic mediumship. I found that I was searching. Surrounded by the most incredible psychic mediums. A lot of them had a lot of experience. And I felt that after I'd done some training, I sat. Sat in a psychic circle, a closed circle for about four years where we would. I've made every way.
Can we advance through the different, different techniques? That my incredible teacher, Samantha Dooley was teaching our group. Group. After a while, I just felt that when I sat down to do one-on-one reading. So it's just this huge amount of pressure that I put on myself. To be able to deliver an accurate and clear message. And I was surrounded at that time by a world-class meet. Mediums. Which I of course looked up to did that very S. That very thing that, you know, we're always taught not to make that comparison. And I always fell short and felt like I just couldn't achieve the level. Of. Um, a connection that they could. [00:11:00] But what I found. Is that when I was trying to make that connection spirit. Through Reiki. It, gave me a way to gently. Ease into mediumship without feeling pressured.
So I could stop. Start to receive an income through doing Reiki sessions because. At a bare minimum, they got an incredibly beautiful healing session. But as a bonus, I was able to put myself into a space. Space where I started to let those people know that I was also a psychic medium. And I was learning that if they were open to receiving a message, I could tune in and see what I could get.
And what I found is that. I was separating myself. One part of me was a Hilo and part of me was. A psychic medium, which was traditionally two separate. Parts. And a few years later, I met a lady that. Said to me. Oh my God. That was amazing because I brought through messages. And gave her. Um, you know, really great clarity. Pretty on a, on a problem.
[00:12:00] She was, um, was. Experiencing. At the time. And, and I said to, uh, You know, You know, I love doing this. I love doing Reiki this way, and I feel like it's more intuitive. The way of doing Reiki and it turns out that she said to me, well, why are you? What, why do you like doing Reiki without giving messages? I might not relearn.
So she kind of said to me, well, you know, you don't have to, and. And that began the first, you know, really, I. Started to, consolidate how I worked recognize. It was different from the majority out there. And. I decided to call myself an intuitive Reiki healer. I remember. I used that term for the first time and we're going. Back probably 20 years now. I use that first term. I do intuitive Reiki. And I remember feeling like. When I put it out there it was on Facebook at the time. It was like coming out of the spiritual closet and saying, I do. [00:13:00] Reiki differently and do it this way.
And what I thought. I was going to have a bunch of people say, you can't do that. That's not Reiki. That's made him ship. You can't call it Reiki. Um, or, you know, there's no such thing as angels and guides in Reiki, it's just energy. And. And what I experienced. So that's what I thought. That's what my fear was telling me what happened.
What I experienced was. An inundation. I had so many people rushing at me wanting a Reiki session. Going, oh my God. Finally, someone who gets it. I. I have gods and spirit and messages coming through and I just want to work. Out what to do with it. So I found that many, many. People resonated with being intuitive, uh, and also recognize. There was a real gift in being able to bring through not. The healing energy, but also give valid. Beautiful loving, thoughtful messages, you know, to their Reiki. Clients while they were doing Reiki.
So, they [00:14:00] saw like me the benefit. Bit of getting a reading and the healing at the same time. And the sessions. Over the years started to get more and more where I was receiving. More and more messages. We communicated and talked throughout the session. And they started to become known as being active healing. Sessions.
So, it is a very rare day. When I have someone come in and say, Lisa, I don't want you to bring through messages. Can. You just stop talking. You know, let. Just received the pure energy and I do have one client. I work with that does that still. And I do have to trust and honor that even. Even though it's not my most Favorite way to practice. It's what she needs. And what she requests.
I guess my client gets to choose their preferred way. But I have to say if I had a whole pace load of people like that, I'd get it. and get bored because my passion for those students. I've taught thousands of students. My style of Reiki over the years. My passion is
[00:15:00] really channeling and bringing through uplifting and. And inspiring messages.
And when we do it through the practice, Of Reiki healing as a modality. It automatically. Puts us into a high frequency, a high vibration. It opens. Opens our hearts and allows us to connect with other people on. Beautiful. Um, nurturing. Uh, incredible. I can't, it's hard to describe the words, but it. Just, it opens the connection quickly, not only to spirit and our guides. And our highest self. It also allows us to make. Make beautiful connections with our clients.
And at times, When it's in its highest. High school of our clients. We also find that we can connect, uh, through mediumship and bring through. Through messages from their loved ones that can be empowering and inspiring. Firing. So, I thought I would introduce myself. Uh, you know, intuitive Reiki to your senses.
[00:16:00] as. Uh, when you go to my website, it's all about intuitive Reiki and channeling. As well. Uh, to give you an understanding.
I'm so proud. It's. Uh, a modality that I have founded and created and put a framework. Work together to teach. You know, students Lightworker. Worker’s healers. Those people, even kinesiologists people working. In the complimentary health field. Back just. another modality that they can have in the back pocket to be able to make. Make a profound, deep connection, but one that empowers them as. As healers. To be able to share the wisdom and the messages. That they have during the session, rather than just, um, laying the hands. And been passive.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. I do think. That there are people that love working in that way and just love that grounded. Connection to the energy. Um, but what I realized. Today, there are thousands of ways in which. We all can do our [00:17:00] modalities and, you know, Lots of different ways.
We can do Reiki, in lots of different ways. We can do mediumship lots. Lots of different ways we can connect with the spirit world. So now my dog's. We're back in the background. So that's a little snapshot of what intuitive Reiki is. And. And, uh, I look forward to sharing more with you in the podcast. If you've liked this episode. Please share it with a friend if you know someone else. Who would enjoy it as well?
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