Connecting to Spirit: Channelling, Mediumship, and Intuition

#2: The Rise of Collective Consciousness: Channelling Anya

Lisa Brandis Season 1 Episode 2

In this powerful episode, Lisa Brandis introduces her spirit guide, Anya, in their first-ever channeled transmission on the podcast. Lisa shares her journey of embracing her channeling abilities and takes listeners behind the scenes of her process. Anya offers profound insights about the rise of collective consciousness and guides healers and lightworkers in strengthening their connection to spirit guides. Whether you're exploring channeling for the first time or already working with spiritual energy, Anya’s message inspires, uplifts, and encourages you on your path. Tune in for a raw and authentic channeling experience that explores deeper guidance, alignment, and intuitive wisdom. 

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For more on intuitive guidance, spiritual growth, and how to harness the power of Reiki, follow Lisa Brandis, the world’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. Lisa is an internationally renowned Spirit Channeler and the founder of Intuitive Reiki International. With a deep passion for empowering others, Lisa helps individuals transform their lives by developing their intuition through Reiki.

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Episode 2 - The Rise of Collective Consciousness: Insights from Anya

[00:00:00] Lisa:
Hi! For this second episode, I thought I would take you along on the journey as we explore the launch of this new podcast. It’s exciting for me to be able to share the messages of my beautiful spirit guide, Anya, with all of you—especially those healers and lightworkers wanting to take their channeling abilities, healing, and intuition to the next level.

Rather than figuring it all out internally and by myself, I decided to share the process with you. I’ve just finished a Learn to Channel course, where a beautiful group of souls moved through that journey and into the Advanced Channeling course. They’ve gained training, learning, and understanding around channeling—what it is, the benefits, and how to get into alignment.

[00:01:00] Lisa:
They’ve learned how to make sure their energy field is solid, how to rise their vibration, call in their angels and guides, and work from a place of true understanding. This is about calling through powerful, benevolent light beings who are here to uplift humanity. More importantly, they’ve learned how to receive personal messages that can guide them in decisions, help them follow their path of joy, and access advanced guidance aligned with their life’s calling.

I often get asked, either when doing readings or working with Reiki students, "How do I know when my guides are present? How do I trust the messages I’m receiving?" And the biggest concern is, "What if I’m just making it up?" In the beginning, it can feel like that. We start paving the way through creativity and imagination, which is how the light is received.

[00:02:00] Lisa:
But the more we practice channeling—whether through automatic writing, angel card readings, or exploring our intuition—the more we discover our own unique expression of channeling.

Today, I wanted to share an experience. I was talking with some ex-students, who are now friends, and they’re getting more intuitive insights from their guides. They’re looking to create a practice group, which got me thinking about what it means to be part of a collective consciousness—a group keen to develop their channeling abilities.

There’s a difference between those who want a reading or guidance from spirit guides and those who want to learn how to channel for themselves. Personally, I can’t imagine not wanting to channel—it makes life so much easier when you’re tapped into pure alignment with unconditional love.

[00:03:00] Lisa:
But some people may just want to receive a message, while others are interested in going within for guidance. These individuals want to bring their intuitive side into their healing work, giving their clients the extra benefit of spirit team insights.

So today, I’ll be channeling Anya to answer a question I’ve written down: “Anya, what can you tell me about the rise of the collective consciousness and how to move forward with your messages for both my Learn to Channel students and the general public?”

[00:04:00] Lisa:
I’ll now bring Anya through. This is raw and uncut, which I think is nice. You can see how it all goes. I’m just feeling into Anya’s energy and the benefits she’ll bring—not only for myself and my friends but also for those of you embarking on your channeling journey.

For those of you who are new, Anya is a spirit guide I’ve been working with for many years. Many of you already know her through my workshops and teachings, but if you haven’t met her, it’s best to let her introduce herself.

[00:07:00] Anya (channeling through Lisa):
The beliefs you hold are so important in this channeling experience. Would you agree? We are referring to Lisa’s concerns about how long it takes for her to release and surrender, allowing us to come through.

We remind her that it is a process, and over time it becomes easier to channel. We are here, present, and excited. Lisa has asked a question, and we are aware of conversations she’s had about the challenges of channeling in different ways. We want to remind her that there are various ways to bring through messages—there are no limitations.

[00:09:00] Anya:
It is safe and easy to start by hearing our voice, learning who we are, and why we are here. Channeling is a process of dipping your toe in to see if it resonates with you. Some may find it’s not for them, and that’s okay. We are here for those of you who are healers, lightworkers, or spiritual teachers—those of you already working with energy.

We are here to guide you and help you understand what it feels like to be in alignment with your purpose, surrounded by like-minded souls.

[00:12:00] Anya:
For those who have already begun to channel, you understand what it feels like to shift your consciousness and connect with your guides. Whether through meditation, healing work, or connecting with others, your spirit team is always available to help you tap into clear insight.

We will share tools and tips to help you get into a channeled state, what it feels like to be in trance, and how to recognize when you’re in the flow versus when your mind is running the show.

[00:13:00] Anya:
We look forward to exploring this with you further, answering your questions about channeling, and sharing our insights. Lisa will also share her personal experiences of blending with us. Over the last 15 years, we have watched her confidence grow, and we continue to adapt to her changing desires.

We are collective beings of light, and our relationship with Lisa has evolved. It’s like playing a musical instrument—it gets more refined with time. We are always working with Lisa to fine-tune our vibration and her channeling abilities.

[00:15:00] Lisa (closing):
Thank you, Anya, for sharing your wisdom. For those of you listening, I hope you found this transmission insightful. Stay tuned for more episodes where we’ll dive deeper into the world of channeling and connecting with your guides.